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Cadi a'r Gwrachod - Bethan Gwanas

*See language toggle switch for Welsh review*

(suggested) reading age: 6-9

(children learning to read independently and moving from picturebooks to chapterbooks)

(suggested) interest age: 5+

Illustrations: Janet Samuel


Review by Siân Vaughan, Welsh Advisory Teacher, Conwy County

This is a modern magical adventure at its finest. At the beginning of the story Cadi and her little brother Mabon are squabbling with each other while making pumpkins and taffy apples in the kitchen. The squabbling and name-calling leads to an accident with a mobile phone and Mabon somehow becomes a toad! Oh dear.

They have to think of a way to get Mabon back to being a boy. We get to meet some funny and unique characters such as Doti and Moira the two witches and Carlo Cadwaladr the wizard. Through the story we get important messages of how to overcome any obstacles in life and how important it is to use our skills and talents to help others.

Doti wants to learn to sing and Carlo wants to run fast and with help from a blackbird and a hare they learn that to succeed, you have to have confidence and a lot of practice. Moira wants to learn how to be a witch and she learns from a wise owl that one must listen, read, exercise and get a lot of sleep in order to learn. Important messages for anyone who’s thinking about learning!

Children will love hearing that Mabon (the toad) makes a sound as if he’s breaking wind and the witches make us laugh too.

A perfect book for those transitioning from picturebooks to chapter books, learning to read independently.

The story is written naturally and the language is full of comparisons and ‘sayings’ to enrich children's language. Phrases like ‘traed chwarter i dri’ (quarter to three feet).

By the end of the book you will have been able to discuss a few important messages and you’ll have had plenty of laughs whilst being taken from the everyday world of the kitchen to the magical world of wizards and witches.

It’d be great to see this story animated into a cartoon for children's television.


Publisher: Y Lolfa

Released: 2021

Price: £5.99

Format: Hardback


A review from Barn (welsh only)

Llyfr i'w ddarllen ar fwy nag un eisteddiad ydi hwn. Mae'n annog darllenwyr ifanc i fwrw ati ac ymgolli mewn stori dda dros gyfnod estynedig a derbyn bod hyn yn rhan bwysig o ddatblygiad darllenydd hyderus. Gall y plant iau, wrth gwrs, fwynhau gwrando ar oedolyn yn darllen y stori a dehongli lluniau doniol Janet Samuel o anturiaethau Cadi ar noson Calan Gaeaf o ddiogelwch cesail gynnes rhiant!
- Delyth Roberts, Cylchgrawn Barn


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