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What is Sôn am Lyfra? [Talk about Books!]
Mainly, we're a website that hosts bilingual book reviews for Welsh language Children and young people's books.
As well as being a place online to discuss books, we have information about authors and awards.
How will it be useful to me?
Our comprehensive reviews will give you more information to help you decide if a book is appropriate. The website, Twitter, Facebook and Insta will be where you can hear the latest news and read + contribute reviews - or even just have your say!

I dont' speak Welsh...
No worries! This website is perfect for you - especially if you have children in a Welsh medium school.
100% of our reviews are bilingual and 87% of the website is available in English (except externally created resources)
What information will the reviews contain?

⦾⦾⦾⦾⦾ none at all
⦿⦾⦾⦾⦾ a tiny tiny bit
⦿⦿⦾⦾⦾ a little bit
⦿⦿⦿⦾⦾ Somewhat
⦿⦿⦿⦿⦾ quite a lot
⦿⦿⦿⦿⦿ A lot
☆☆☆☆☆ very poor
★☆☆☆☆ poor
★★☆☆☆ fair
★★★☆☆ good
★★★★☆ very good
★★★★★ Excellent/fantastic!!
We use a dots-based rating scale from 0-5 to give you information on content. If there aren't any dots coloured, then it may not be applicable.
For the reading difficulty rating, this is based on the reviewers opinion only. It is judged against books for that particular age (less dots-easier, more dots - harder)
At this time we don't show additional exemplar material about each category e.g. which swearword was used, but we are looking into this.
Contact us if you think we've missed something out!

I'm learning Welsh
Great! Well done! Children and especially young people's books can be great for learning Welsh because you get shorter, slightly easier but exciting novels. Go to our reviews page and look in the 12-14 or 14+ group to see if something takes your fancy!
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