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About us

We all know how important reading is, and how important it is to find the 'right' book. We're all much more likely to read books that we really enjoy.


Sôn am Lyfra aims to provide bilingual reviews of Welsh language books for children and young people.


We hope that the website will help children, parents and teachers find the 'perfect' books.

Children Reading the Holy Bible

“The Welsh book world can be confusing, especially if you're a parent who doesn't speak Welsh. We hope that Sôn am Lyfra will help those who want to support their children's reading. ”

— Morgan Dafydd, former-teacher and founder

Little Girl Reading in Bed
Children Reading the Holy Bible

“All our reviews will be available in both English and Welsh because Wales is a bilingual country. There are so many great books being published in Wales, and we want to share these with you. "

— Llio Mai, Sôn am Lyfra

Little Girl Reading in Bed


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We are always looking for opportunities to work together and improve the website.


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© 2019 Sônamlyfra. Proudly created with

Nid ydym yn gyfrifol am gynnwys gwefannau allanol.

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Menter gwirfoddol yw Sôn am Lyfra sy’n darparu adolygiadau dwyieithog o lyfrau Cymraeg i blant a phobl ifanc. Bydd hefyd yn cynnig llwyfan i sgyrsiau a thrafodaethau am lyfrau. Rydym yn gweithredu’n gwbl annibynnol ac yn gwerthfawrogi unrhyw roddion all ein helpu i gyflawni'r nodau hyn.  Bydd eich rhodd yn help i ni gynnal y gwasanaeth.


Sôn am Lyfra is a voluntary venture that provides bilingual reviews for Welsh children and young people’s books. It shall also be a platform for conversations and discussions about books. We operate totally independently and we appreciate any donations that help us to achieve our goals. Your kindness will help us maintain the Service.

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