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Reading age: 7+
Interest age: 3-11
Genre: #llyfrlluniau #chwedlau #moeswers #ffuglen

It’s always a pleasure to see an independently published book, as it adds to mix of reading material available to our young readers. Very often, independent publishers do much of the work themselves, including writing, design, promotion and marketing - quite a feat really when you think about it. In today’s climate, it’s important to support new authors, including those who self-publish.
This is the first book by Eira Moon, an author originally from north Wales, but who’s also lived in Spain for over twenty years. That probably explains why the book is available in three languages, namely Welsh, English and Spanish under the titles Fira Farus a’r Wy Siocled Enfawr, Greedy Gracee’s Giant Chocolate Egg and La Codiciosa Princesa Graciana y el Huevo de Chocolate Gigante. I’m told that this book is the result of countless bed time conversations with her foster daughter. It’s good to see an idea develop into a real product.
We have here a fairytale about Fira, a rather unpleasant young princess. Living in a huge castle with her parents, the King and Queen, it’s fair to say that she’s been spoilt, and this had turned her into quite a selfish, greedy and ultimately lonely individual.
One day, when a magical giant easter egg lands on the castle's doorstep, the princess finds herself in a bit of a pickle due to her own greediness. I wonder if someone will be willing to help her?
This story is perfect for sharing at bedtime, or in school. The pictures by Aswitha Gunda help tell the story and give a taste of the princess's magical world.
The book offers an opportunity to discuss different feelings and behaviours; how being greedy can get you into all sorts of trouble! I've always believed in 'karma' (what goes around comes around) and I’ve always felt that greedy and selfish people will get their comeuppance in the end.
Although the story contains fantasy elements such as castles, princesses and a bit of magic, this is essentially a story with a simple and down-to-earth message about acts of kindness. In a world that can be so nasty at times, I welcome any story that spreads messages of love and friendship– and there’s nowhere better to do this than in the early years. This book does have a somewhat homemade vibe to it, but I think that’s part of it’ charm.
An audiobook is available to download from https://eiramoon.com/ for £2.99 – why not read and listen at the same time?
Available in some of your local shops or from the Gwales website now.
Publisher: Eira Moon
Released: Mai 2021
Price: £6.95
ISBN: 978-1916875524
She was one of the lucky ones, being born and bred in the land of song and sheep, aka “God’s Country”…North Wales!

Since 2001 she’s been involved in organizing music and entertainment for venues all over the world.
Her company was lucky enough to arrange voice-over projects involving Hollywood celebrity talent, which she uses to her advantage when trying (in vain!) to impress her young nieces and nephew!
Eira and her long-term partner are also proud and dedicated foster carers. They’ve cared for vulnerable children of all ages and backgrounds over the past several years- providing a safe and fun home to flourish and be happy, for however long it was needed.
Her debut short story was in fact inspired by a comical chitter-chatter with one of their young foster children! She wanted to create a classic-style fairytale for children to enjoy over and over again which provided a valuable moral lesson.
When not on the school run or role-playing superheroes, Eira loves to be in or near the sea, watching rugby or practicing photography!