Meet the author
Gwyn Jones
Lives in:
I was once rescued by a Chilean army helicopter while walking the Andes mountains.
Quick facts
Children and young people books
Brenin y Trenyrs (2020)
Kaiser y Trenyrs (in press.)

Question & Answer
New author Pryderi Gwyn Jones
answers our questions!
What is your background and/or what are you currently doing?
Secondary School Teacher.

What inspired you to start writing books?
I enjoyed the mischief in Eurig Wyn’s books, United and Powdr Rhech. Also, the need for fun and original books in Welsh.
Which books influenced you as a young reader? Why?
I remember my mother buying a book called, Ffrindiau Tomi for me in an Eisteddfod many years ago. I loved the story and the pictures. I then had a taste for the Twm Miall, Cyw Haul and Cyw Dôl books and Dafydd Huws’ books Dyn Dwad.

What is your latest book for children?
What do you hope readers get from reading the story?
Brenin y Trenyrs.
Mwynhad o ddarllen stori syml a thrafod pethau’r byd yn naturiol yn Gymraeg.
What message do you have to inspire young readers/writers?
Don't wait for some great inspiration, and for the moon and the stars to align. Sit down, and try to create SOMETHING! You will then have something to develop, extend and to improve upon.

Is there a character you love or hate?
I love the main character, but I don't much care for Lloyd, who is Lisa, his sister’s boyfriend.
Is there a new book on the horizon?
If all goes to plan, then Kaiser y Trenyrs should be here in October.

What’s your favourite pair of trainers in the world?
I have to mention the first pair of adidas trainers that I ever got from Meirion Appleton's shop in Aberystwyth years ago. They were black and white Adidas Samba, and I felt like I could run faster and jump higher than anyone in them. The most recent pair I have are Adidas Original Supercourt trainers. They were a bargain at half price!
If you had a magic pair of trainers, what would they do?
I could walk up walls and jump across buildings!

Anything else?
Thank you for giving me the chance to answer these questions!
Trainers for all, I say!

The statue is of Adi Dassler, founder of adidas. Outside their main office in Herzogenarach by Nuremberg, Germany!