(suggested) reading age: 5+
(suggested) interest age: 0-5
‘Diwrnod Prysur!’ is a simple picture/word book that reflects a child's busy day. We are introduced to 21 different verbs such as eating, climbing, dancing and laughing. The words are accompanied by one of Huw Aaron's vibrant and colourful doodles.
This is a good book to read with a young child/toddler/baby who is starting to learn new vocabulary and I think its an useful book for showing and practicing the daily routine/structure of the day for a child too. As Huw Aaron says 'doing’ and ‘words’ come together for children and they’ll enjoy imitating some of the actions as they read the book. You could play a little game to learn the different actions. Simon Says perhaps…
At the back of the book is a translation of the words/sentences with phonetic spellings to help anyone learning Welsh who want to practice some of the words. This is a great idea and should be included in more books.
‘Diwrnod Prysur!' is a great book to read before bedtime, to learn new vocabulary, but could be one to use during the day in an energetic session exploring actions and movements. It could play a part in helping children make sense of order of the day. This book has no narrative or 'story' in the traditional sense, but that's not what it's trying to be. Mae ‘Diwrnod Prysur!’ yn lyfr llun a gair syml sy’n adlewyrchu diwrnod prysur plentyn. Cawn ein cyflwyno i 21 o wahanol ferfenwau fel bwyta, dringo, dawnsio a chwerthin. Ynghyd â’r geiriau ceir un o ddarluniau bywiog a lliwgar Huw Aaron o blentyn bach yn gwneud y weithred.